Drug and Threat Assessment

Drug and Threat Assessment

1000 word discussion post

1. After reading the attached article please discuss the Threat Assessment (2011) promulgated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the role that Organized Crime Groups and Narco-Traffickers are perpetuating narcotics abuse and addiction. (500-750 words, 2 citations)

2. In conducting additional research outside of this week’s readings, select a specific area, town, city, or state within the U.S. that is experiencing a drug problem and critique the steps they are taking to combat the problem. (500-750 word, 2 citations)

Instructions: The response to each question should be a “minimum” of 500 words of content (does not count references and or restating a question) and include “at least” two properly referenced sources, in accordance with APA 6th edition, for full credit. Please see the syllabus for what constitutes a “substantive” response.

Within your post, please place the first Forum response on top of the second, i.e., both Forum responses should be in the same post within the Forum.

Do not include statements such as great work, or excellent post. Try to include information that is challenging and respectful and that will stimulate debate. Additionally, please remember that simply posting the main post and a student colleague response post does not end the forum; the discussion forum should be dialogue that is continual until the Sunday deadline. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position.

It is essential that you realize that 500 words and 2 references for support per question contained in the primary forum assignment is the minimal expectation (if 2 questions are asked that means the primary post would be a minimum of 1,000 words not counting references or restating the questions); and, the student response posts (2 for each forum) 300 words and 1 reference for support is also the minimal expectation; this does not mean by meeting the minimal expectation that you will be awarded an “A.” This is a Master’s Degree program and course and the award of maximum credit is reserved only for those posts that are exemplary!

Also the content of the Forum Assignment will often ask the student to take a position on a particular topic. However, this is not a strict opinion paper in which you the student can just make a statement of what you think or what your experiences are on a topic. Instead, the student needs to support their opinion or experiences with qualifying research from academic source. APA 6th edition citations and references must be used always!

Hence, do not include statements such as great work, or excellent post. Try to include information that is challenging and respectful and that will stimulate debate. Additionally, please remember that simply posting the main post and a student colleague response post does not end the forum; the discussion forum should be dialogue that is continual until the Sunday deadline. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position.

Initial/Primary Post Due: Thursday 12 Midnight EST


Answer preview

Drug and Threat Assessment

  1. Threat Assessment

Drug trafficking poses an immense threat to the peace, safety, and progress of the world. The topic has been the subject of intense discourse among national, transnational, and international actors. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has allocated extensive resources to investigate the drug trafficking networks in the world and their impact on global security. One of the most outstanding and recurrent features in this UNODC report and many…


(1200 words)

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