EAB industries machining manufacturer in evansville,Indiana

EAB industries machining manufacturer in evansville,Indiana

Experiential Learning Reflection:

A three-page double-spaced reflection assignment is to be submitted one week after each tour. For each tour activity comment on

(1) the value you received during this activity,

(2) what fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories in Operations Management were you able to learn from this activity?

(3) How did this activity help you apply the course material to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions?

Experiential Learning Reflection paper

Use APA sourcing for your paper.

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I was able to learn realistic projections of what is taught theoretically and understand their application enabling me to think broadly and develop new ideas along the field. It allowed me to gain exposure to real-life situations and issues where the knowledge is applicable, that may not be available in books. I was able to be more competent and responsible…

(1090 Words)

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