History since 1914

History since 1914

History since 1914 Instructions and questions attached


  1. Answer three (3) of the five (5) questions below. (Do not answer all five. If you do, then I will only grade your first three answers.)
  2. Each of your three answers must be in an essay format. (For example: three paragraphs with an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.)
  3. Each of your three answers should be roughly one page in length (or approximately 250 words each).
  4. If you refer to assigned readings or other sources then you must use a citation for each using an acceptable academic citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). The format of the citation is less important than the information contained in the citation.

The questions:

Question 1: President Woodrow Wilson, in his speech before Congress in April 1917, urged America to enter World War I “to make the world safe for democracy.” How did Wilson’s actions regarding American involvement in the War contradict the state of democracy in the United States during the period of 1917-1918? Think about certain laws that were passed during the War and also the status of enfranchisement in America at the time.

Question 2: How did the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution affect women during the 1920s? It was one thing for women to get the vote, but what about equality? What affect did the 19th Amendment have culturally, economically, and politically in America?

Question 3: New Deal legislation in the 1930s was not intended to make America socialist, nor was it intended to to end the Great Depression. What was it designed to do and how? Give examples.

Question 4: World War II is rightfully characterized as a racist war because of the Nazis and the Holocaust. But German anti-Semitism was not the only form of racism during the War. How was racism a part of America’s involvement in the War? Give examples.

Question 5: The Cold War gets its name from the fact that neither the Soviet Union nor the United States could confront each other in a “hot” conflict (i.e., in battle). Why could they not confront each other? Why instead did they each wage “proxy wars” around the world? Provide three examples of these proxy wars.

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Answer preview
President Woodrow Wilson, in his speech before Congress in April 1917, urged America to enter World War I “to make the world safe for democracy.” How did Wilson’s actions regarding American involvement in the war contradict the state of democracy in the United States during the period of 1917-1918? Think about certain laws that…
(1100 words)
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