Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Decision-Making Table

For this assignment, you will apply analytical reasoning and identify strategies for self-assessment to reconsider your decision-making patterns.

You will need to complete a table with four columns to complete this task. In the first column, you will provide two personal examples where you acted in accordance with one or more of the patterns of irrational or unethical decision-making.

In the second column, you will identify which pattern(s) of irrational or unethical decision-making applies to your situations.

In the third column, you will identify any characteristics of egocentrism or sociocentrism, as well as any pathological tendencies of mind, involved in your thought process.

Finally, in the fourth column, share how you could have applied the keys to sound decision-making to approach the situation more rationally.

Answer preview

There are times I must eat foods that are unhealthy. For instance, on different occasions, I have consumed sugary drinks and junk foods, especially pizzas.









This is an irrational decision that falls in a pattern of making decisions that harm my welfare. Irrational decisions are highly characterized by traits egocentrism, social centrism, as well as other pathological tendencies. For instance, it is through an egocentric memory that I have frequently fallen victim to forgetting information and evidence that does not supp

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