Civil Liberties; then define Civil Rights

Civil Liberties; then define Civil Rights

SLO# 1 Civil Liberties v Civil Rights (this assignment should be customized by each instructor to better fit his or her teaching materials and/or emphasis and, to minimize student cheating)

Civil liberties and civil rights are mechanical components that have tremendous influence on the way we live our life. Each category can be applied in different situations, to identify different experiences for each individual. People in the USA are beginning to question whether democracy is worth fighting for as more instances are identified in which human beings find themselves ‘above the law’ (e.g. government officials, bureaucrats and civil servants violate laws that otherwise ‘ordinary citizens’ would quickly be found guilty, and be forced to pay fines and/or be confined and incarcerated). Visit the links below, then respond to the ensuing situations [*do your best to overlook authors’ personal opinions and rather consider the issues identified; also, consider the possibility that these situations maybe taking place in any/all of the 50 states across the USA*].……

  1. Define Civil Liberties; then define Civil Rights. How are they similar? How do they differ? Which civil sequence has more influence on your life as you know it to be now? Why do you believe this to be so?
  2. Where do the courts weigh in? Search the Supreme Court database:

then identify one case for each situation (i.e. Civil Liberties case; then a Civil Rights case). Which situation would have more influence on the quality of life in the states? Which part of the USA would register a deeper impact of judicial decision(s) reached in the case identified (i.e. in relation to making the most of your life experiences)?


Program-Level Objectives met with this assignment:(PLO: 1.1,2,5,6)

1: Communication Skills-to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication

1.Written: Process and produce effective written communication adapted to audience, purpose, and time constraints.

2: Critical Thinking Skills-to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

5: Personal Responsibility-to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making

6: Social Responsibility-to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities

Course-Level Objectives met with this assignment: (CLO: 5,6,7,8)

5.Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in the political system.

6. Analyze the election process.

7. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens

8. Analyze issues and policies in U.S. politics

Answer Preview

The two concepts, civil liberties, and civil rights have some similarities. The main similarity between the two concepts is the fact that they both focus on the basic rights and freedoms of individuals in the country. However, there are differences between the two concepts. Civil liberties usually focus on the actual freedoms of the people while civil rights only concern itself with how an individual is treated in regards to their…

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