Ethics and Trust in Critical Thinking Decisions

Ethics and Trust in Critical Thinking Decisions

Please respond to the discussion post

Ethics and Trust in Critical Thinking Decisions” Please respond to the following:

  • Imagine you are seeking information on a new car that you are thinking of buying.
  • Determine the level of trust that you would place in information provided by the following sources: a salesman at the car lot, the dealer’s Website, social media (i.e. Facebook), an associate from work, and finally a close friend.
  • Discuss the key factors involved in assessing the amount of trust that you put into each.
  • In answering the question about the level of trust you would have in the various people identified, did any stereotypes arise in your answer that reflect a bias you may have about people in that group?

Answer Preview

Stereotypes arose in my answer that reflects I am biased against car salesmen. This is implicit biasness and it comes up because of the experiences one has had (Saul, 2013). I have heard stories of how they misrepresent facts even though I have experienced the same firsthand. This kind of information makes me to subconsciously decide that the salesmen are untrustworthy and as such any information from them should not be taken seriously…

(370 Words)

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