Change Management

Change Management

Need a 3 – 4 Page paper answering the following questions

Define what are the systems of resistance, and provide some understanding by answering the following questions:

  • Which of the various reasons for resisting change do you believe to be the most common? What are your “top three” in this regard?
  • Which of the various reasons for resisting change do you believe to be the most difficult to deal with (as a manager)? What are your “top three” in this regard?
  • When senior managers resist change at the strategic level, they are in a position to cause more damage than employees resisting changes at the operational level. Have you worked in a company where you believe that management resistance to change may have existed? As a manager yourself, what would you try to do to prevent this from happening?
  • Which approach to the management of resistance attracts you? What is the reason for your choice? For example, is it because you think it to be the most effective or does it also relate to a view that you have about how people should be managed?

The paper is about change management and please use APA formatting.

ANSWER preview
Change in a business environment is inevitable and constant.  Today, a business environment is changing overnight.   McShane & Von Glinow, (2013) highlight that organization needs to implement changes to remain relevant and competitive. It needs to remain open to change, or otherwise, it is driven out business. Companies should implement modern strategies to improve productivity and achieve their goals efficiently. Despite change being…
(1200 words)
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