Personal Financial Plan
Complete Personal Financial Plan
Based on the work you have done over the past several weeks as well as any adjustment you’d like to make at this time, type your completed financial plan or attach a file below. You can use the hypothetical financial plan for Stephanie Spratt as a reference, but your plan must be about you, and ideally will contain much more detail than is contained in Stephanie’s plan. The more seriously you consider and develop each area of the plan, the better prepared you will be to make realistic changes as circumstances change. Our textbook states the following near the end of chapter 21:
Your plan must address each of these categories:
1. Plan for Budgeting, including a statement of your goals
2. Plan for Managing Liquidity
3. Plan for Financing
4. Plan providing Insurance
5. Plan for Investing
6. Plan for Retirement
7. Estate Plan (Note: do not disclose the names of people who will receive your assets upon your death, just address the issues that were raised in the previous assignments for estate planning).
Answer previewI am making a plan to generate and spend money, and this is important in the management of my finances. With a financial plan, a person can prudently spend money since the plan limits overspending. As a business owner, I have to create a financial plan that includes my budget, how I will manage liquidity, how I will finance my business, and sharing my estate after my demise. My financial…
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