Leadership Motivation Assessment

Leadership Motivation Assessment

Complete the Leadership Motivation Assessment available on the Mindtools website. (My score was a 66, which implies a strong motivation to lead.) Strengths are motivating other and coming up with great ideas. Weakness is not being able to remember to compliment team members as much as i correct them.

Write a 200- to 350-word summary of your score, describing your strengths and weaknesses, and how you plan to develop your leadership skill set.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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Leadership motivation assessment involves evaluation of one’s abilities to conduct themselves as a leader, their motivations, determinations, strengths, and weaknesses (Bass, B. M., Riggio, R. E., and Conger, J. A. 2013). Having a score of 66 in my assessment as a leader implies that my leadership styles are somewhat just above average…

(423 Words)

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