Main Reasons that made Harry Truman Decide to Use Atomic Bombs on Japan

Main Reasons that made Harry Truman Decide to Use Atomic Bombs on Japan

Anybody wanna help me with a history paper?

In your opinion, what were the main reasons US President Harry Truman decided to use atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945? Do you agree or disagree with his decision? must be 3-4 pages double spaced

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Main Reasons that made Harry Truman Decide to Use Atomic Bombs on Japan

Many countries worldwide got involved during the Second World War. The conflict began before the war started, where Japan invaded China to amass raw materials to facilitate the growth of the expanding industries. Japan’s aggressive actions of acquisition angered the United States. According to the Enola Gay Exhibit relations between these two countries worsened when Japan from 1937 and 1941…

(950 words)

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