The power of advertising

The power of advertising

The power of advertising is in its persuasive influence, and this influence can take several different forms. Using your textbook or Internet, identify two (2) examples of persuasive advertising that might (or did) go too far with their message. Next, argue why you believe these messages crossed the line between effective persuasion and unfair and deceptive trade practices listed within Section 13-2: Advertising as a Contract Basis for Product Liability of your textbook. Provide support for your response.

please use references 2014 and newer. Thank you.

Answer Preview

In the United States, companies have been given the freedom to create commercials for their services and products so to improve their performances. Most organizations usually advertise so that they can create brand awareness for their products, however, a few of them tend to take it a little too far which results in the customers getting annoyed…

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