NSA overreacted to the small business’s use of their logo or took appropriate action against the small business

 NSA overreacted to the small business’s use of their logo or took appropriate action against the small business

please answer all questions

  • take a position as to whether you believe the NSA overreacted to the small business’s use of their logo or took appropriate action against the small business. From a contractor’s perspective, analyze the government’s data rights with regards to unlimited rights, limited rights, and restricted rights. Suggest two (2) changes in those rights that you would make in order to benefit the contractor. Provide a rationale for your response.   https://www.sba.gov/content/contract-responsibilities
  • Among all the forms of contracting determine which one you believe would benefit the small-business owner the most. Explain your answer in detail.Determine which form of contracting would be the most cost effective for a small business in your hometown. Support your answer with data from a small local business.
  •  take a position on whether or not all the forms of contracting described  can be grouped into the two broad categories: fixed price contracts and cost reimbursement contracts. Support your position.From the second e-Activity, take a position on whether or not the current types of basic small-business programs are sufficient for the government to provide maximum practicable opportunities in its acquisitions to small business. Suggest at least one additional type of basic small-business program. http://www.acq.osd.mil/osbp/docs/government_contracting_the_basics.pdf & https://www.ohio.edu/ptac/downloads/contract_types.pdf

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The National Security Agency NSA recently took action over its subcontractors using its logo for their own advertising. I personally believe that this was the right action to take against the small businesses. The logos of such agencies of the government are national property and should not be used by any one for their own personal gain. This is exactly what the small…

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