Social Psychology

Social Psychology

Diverse population question

Requirements: 1 page

Social Psychology Diverse Populations

What are your thoughts about gender identity and sexual orientation as sociological issues?

 (250 words) I page paragraph.

Must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to 7th edition APA formatting

Answer preview

Issues surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation have come more into the limelight following widespread discussion that there are more than two genders in the world. I think that gender identity and sexual orientation are separate sociological issues that need public attention and agreement. In my view, more young people are more accepting of the idea that the gender assigned at birth could be different from the one chosen by the individual later in life. An increased number of teenagers feel puzzled about their identity, whether they are male or female (Turban & Ehrensaft, 2018). I believe that for this reason, there is a need for a more in-depth discussion about how young people and older adults can manage their emotions and decisions when it comes to gender identity. More importantly, I think it is prudent to allow each person to select the gender their identity with when they are old enough to make such decisions. Parents, who are among the most influential persons in a person’s life, should provide guidance when it comes to issues of gender identity and refrain from authoritarian strategies that force their will on their children. Sexual orientation refers to who one is attracted to emotionally, romantically, and physically (Sterzing, Gartner, Woodford & Fisher, 2017).


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