Writing Question

Writing Question

Respond in 3-5 sentences to three of your colleagues by identifying any insights related to the gap and the theory.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | APA | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

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I strongly agree with you that the theory of intelligence and information sharing supports the gap in the literature between nursing homes and residents affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. As you have identified in the article, the nursing homes collaborated with federal and health agencies in decreasing the spread of the coronavirus to the residents. The nursing homes gained sufficient knowledge concerning Covid-19 and the measures to minimize its outbreak among at-risk residents by sharing information. Government entities should further intelligence information sharing among health institutions and facilities through practitioners in the field (Jones, 2017). In this case, I think the objective of information sharing requires expertise sharing whereby individuals from different organizations partner to address the common problem of the Covid-19 pandemic.


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