The Home Depot

The Home Depot

Part 1

Note: I am going to want you to do every paper for this class because they all build up to the final paper so ensure that you pick a company that you dont mind doing the research for!

Selection of the Firm

Selection of the Firm*** Original and Plagiarism free**Introduction and conclusion paragraphs required**Plagiarism report MUST be attached***Label and Answer each part*** Graduate work required!!!! Follow all instructions Please, ask if you have any questions!!!

Determine an organization you will analyze and evaluate over the six weeks of this course. The organization can be one in which you work, one in which you have access, or one of such substance that significant internet material is available for your use.

Write a 1000-1200 word paper:

  • Describe the nature of the organization (provide industry, product/service, a brief history, and position in relation to competition)
  • Develop an organizational chart for the proposed organization.
    • Include the title of positions and a brief description of the positions’ duties and responsibilities.
  • Discuss the business strategy of your selected company, (Read article on Porter’s Generic Strategies)
  • Define the specific area of the business you plan to address

In addition to the requirements above, your paper:

  • Must be double-spaced and 12 point font
  • Must be formatted according to APA style
  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement
  • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph
  • Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook
  • Must include a reference page written in APA format
Ref for the book: Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Create Organizational Chart in Office Word 2013-Very Simple Tip

Create Organizational Chart in Office Word 2013-Very Simple Tip
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The retail industry is among the largest industries in the American economy in terms of revenue as well as on the employment opportunities these organizations create. It is also notable that there are very many organizations that deal in this industry and vary depending on their clients and their products. Among the largest organizations in this industry is The Home Depot. The organization has been able to grow consistently since it was founded in 1978 and the success…
(1113 Words)
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