Philosophical Points

Philosophical Points

Write a 3 page paper, double spaced, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE RUBRIC I ATTACHED.

Student Committee Report Grading Rubric


Each student will receive an individual grade for each committee report based upon the categories below.  Grades will be accumulated and averaged for the course committee grade.

Assessment marks: √ = expected level; √+ = above expected level; √- =below expected level


Category One:  Did the student accurately represent the philosophical point in his or her presentation?


Category Two: Did the student advance the logical investigation of some aspect of the philosophical point in a “pro” or “con” evaluative stance?


Category Three:  Did the student connect the abstract philosophical point to some events in the contemporary world in which the student lives?





3 Attachments

Answer preview

Most critics of art use some perspectives to facilitate their interpretation of art. These perspectives include the structuralism which is founded on the belief that our conception of reality is conveyed through structures of communication like language (Gracyk, 2012). On an extensive scale, envision culture as design whose basis is speech, language and other methods…

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