Cybercrime Treaty


gavel on laptop.A proverb provides that, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This statement applies equally to the law. When viewing legislation or agreements, the viewpoint or filter through which one “sees” the law greatly affects how it is viewed. The following articles are an example of just such an instance. Is one viewpoint “right” and the other “wrong”? The judicial branch is to be an unbiased arbiter of justice, applying the law without regard to politics or personal viewpoints. Is this truly possible?


After reading the two articles provided, relate your thoughts as to how opinions differ within the Legislative branch regarding a law(national or international), and to differing opinions in different branches.

  • Why do such differing opinions occur regarding the same law?
  • How do you think this could and does affect negotiations for and interpretation of laws and agreements?
  • Answer preview

  • This is one of the treaties has been met by a lot of differing opinions where a group of people embraces it while the others do not. One of the worry when it comes to the treaty is that it allows the United States to help other countries to enforce their cybercrimes. Some think that this is giving a lot of power to the United States.  Cybercrime is also open for other presidents to ratify, this would be a problem in an instance where the other presidents take advantage of the United States and require them to carry out some investigations on their behalf (Senate ratification of cybercrime treaty praised…

  • (600 words)

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