How the West (and the rest) got rich

How the West (and the rest) got rich

Each week, you must answer questions provided by the Professor on articles from The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. You are expected to participate in these discussions each week.

Wall St. Journal, 05/20/2016, “How the West (and the rest) got rich.”


  1. What does Ms. McCloskey believe is responsible for the vast wealth in the U.S? Do you agree?
  2. Do you believe your children will be better off than you are?
Answer Preview
McCloskey believes the vast wealth in the U.S is due to exploitation. This began in 1800 when the capitalists took so much wealth from their workers, possessing it and investing it in satanic mills. The idea was to save as much as possible to become opulent. This did not work so effectively until people became liberated and they started…
(300 Words)
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