Watch video and answer question

Watch video and answer question

Watch the video in the link and answer the question in 1 paragraph.


After watching, “The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia: Revealing and Tragic,” would you say that Boliva experienced an “interrupted presidency?” If yes, what factors do you believe caused this interruption? If no, why don’t you think this was an interrupted presidency? Explain your answers.

Requirements: 1 paragraph

Answer preview
After watching the video, I would confidently say that Bolivia experienced an interrupted presidency. After the voting results, the Organization of American States (OAS) interfered politically with the results of the elections in Bolivia. This arm of the United States department exploited its imperialistic position to determine whether the Bolivian elections were fair and free. The OAS developed a propaganda to challenge the margin points won by Morales. It was declared that he only won by 8%, which was a byproduct of fraud (Greenwald, 2020).

Preview YouTube video The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia: Revealing and Tragic – System Update with Glenn Greenwald

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