Length: 700-800 Words


Format: 12 pt. Times New Roman font; double spaced; 1” margins; MLA or APA


Subject: Judith 8-13


You may complete 6 papers, and the five best grades will be recorded.


Due Date: Papers are due by the beginning of class on the first day we discuss the passage



After reading the assigned text, provide an analysis of what the writer is trying to convey.  Take into consideration what we have learned about the setting, culture, history, and geography of the time.


The three sections of the paper are to be the summary of the text, the historical analysis of the setting of the story as well as the time in which it was written, and your own personal analysis of the text.


While outside sources may be used (especially for the historical analysis), the focus on this paper should be on your own analysis of the text.  Consider the following:  Did the events in this text actually occur?  What is happening in the text? Is the text metaphorical?  Is the text difficult to understand with our modern conceptions?  Why would this text be considered important enough to be included in the canon? What does this text tell us about the relationship between God and Israel/Judah?


Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are expected.  All sources used should be properly cited.


Papers should be submitted to Turnitin via Blackboard prior to class and a hard copy is to be turned in at the beginning of class.  Late papers will not be accepted.  Plan accordingly.


Students turning in papers for a text will not be required to submit 5 questions on the text on that day.


Extra Credit:

Students who go to the Writing Center (fully prepared with their paper and writing prompt) will receive an extra 1% on their paper.

Answer preview


The book of Judith is an Old Testament book which is part of the deuterocanonical books in the Catholic Bibles. This book is about a woman known as Judith who was given a mandate by God to lead the Israelites when they were in great need of help. The main focus of the analysis will be on chapter 9 to 13.  (791words)


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