Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Please , answer the following questions:

  • Describe the characteristics features of ADHD.
  • Describe the classic onset of the disease
  • Evaluate the negative impact of the learning process of the patient.
  • Cite the first line of treatment currently prescribed in treating the disease
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder characteristics vary depending on the age and stages of development. Some common characteristics include; temper outbursts, bossiness, low frustration tolerance, mood lability, demoralization, dysphoria and poor self-esteem. Other characteristics are short attention span characteristics like changing the subject often, missing parts of direction, lack of listening to the speaker, easily get distracted by the outside stimuli and shifting from one uncompleted task to another (Vitiello, et al., 2015). Impulsive behavior is another kind of characteristics where the patient may interrupt a conversation, act without thinking, tend to break given rules and has difficulties accepting changes in routine. Hyperactivity characteristics include behaviors like talking loudly, rapidly and excessive energy. Making careless mistakes and having problems in waiting.

characteristics vary depending on the age and stages of development. Some common characteristics include; temper outbursts, bossiness, low frustration tolerance, mood lability, demoralization, dysphoria and poor self-esteem. Other characteristics are short attention span characteristics like changing the subject often, missing parts of direction, lack of listening to the speaker, easily get distracted by the outside stimuli and shifting from one uncompleted task to another (Vitiello, et al., 2015). Impulsive behavior is another kind of characteristics where the patient may interrupt a conversation, act without thinking, tend to break given rules and has difficulties accepting changes in routine. Hyperactivity characteristics include behaviors like talking loudly, rapidly and excessive energy. (434words)

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