We are told that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. This is logical just due to the effects of inflation alone, but there are a multitude of other factors that also play into this phenomenon. The most significant concern among those factors is the issue of risk. Given that any future investment is based on a set of assumptions and educated guesses, we have to factor in the effects of risk as we look at the value of money over time.
In your discussion, examine the content and then share the resource (post your resource and use APA style). Summarize the resource(s) and what you find useful about it.
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An accountable care organization (ACO) is a group of doctors, nurses and healthcare providers who gather on a voluntary basis to offer high-quality services patients with Medicare. Since the Inception of ACOs their main policy has been to reduce cost and on the other hand, increase the quality of services that they offer (www.beckershospitalreview.com). Risk, in this case, is prevalent whereby they concentrate more on delivering while waiting for profits to avail themselves later in terms of time value of money and returns (Rosenbaum, & Burke, 2011). Health care providers in ACO get profits in terms of shared savings, reimbursed models and even from global budgets. Simply what they do after reducing the costs is that they look for mistakes or inefficiencies in their system through which if corrected can bring forth large margins of income. After correction, the budgets are recalibrated and reimbursed to acquire maximum returns in the next financial year.