Ahmad Khan Rahami

Ahmad Khan Rahami

Summarize the case of Ahmad Khan Rahami.

Is Rahami an example of a “lone-wolf” terrorist? What was Rahami trying to accomplish?

Analyze the impact of Rahami’s trips out of the country.

Discuss whether Rahami’s constitutional rights were violated during the arrest and investigation. Would it be appropriate for the police to conduct enhanced surveillance of young Muslim men like Rahami who travel out of the country?


Answer preview

Ahmad is a terrorist who has been identified out after for having committed several offenses. He has taken up several tasks, such as setting off a bomb that killed around 30 people in Manhattan. After he was captured, he brushes off claims that he could be against anyone. He even goes to the extent of mobilizing other prisoners, to be in support of the Islamic state. The people of New York and other cities that were affected clearly stated that they were not ready to allow such despicable acts to happen to their cities. It is therefore essential to note that this was a task that needed to be well investigated for the final verdict to be given, on the culprit, Ahmad Khan Rahim. This is because his fingerprints and DNA had been discovered as part of the bombs that had been found in New York City. He, therefore, has been reported on several occasions as a terrorist, even by his father.  He is estimated to serve a very long jail term, to pay for all his crimes.

Rahami, as a lone wolf and his accomplishment

In the recent past, there has been a rise in the number of lone wolf terrorists. It has been so prevalent that they have caused a lot of bombings at several events and gatherings of many…


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