Annotated Bibliography for research paper
Hi there,
I want someone to write me Annotated Bibliography. This Annotated Bibliography will be used later to write a research paper.
I will attache the Annotated Bibliography instruction which you have to read carefully because there is a minimum number of sources that you have to use while writing it. Also, I will include a Annotated Bibliography sample.
Since this Annotated Bibliography will be used later for the research, I will attach the research instruction so you have a good idea of what kind of sources you have to choose.
The topic I am going to talk about in the research is Zombies.
( Don’t write the research now, I will make another question later)
So please read the instructions and take a look at the sample attached. Thanks
Answer previewBacke, Hans-Joachim, and Espen Aarseth. “Ludic Zombies: An Examination of Zombieism in Games.” DiGRA Conference. 2013.
The journal talks about Ludic zombies. These are zombies that are found in games commonly referred to as zombieism. In the recent years’ zombies can be seen everywhere. The paper looks into the different ways in which Zombies can and have been used in games. For instance, the apparent use and the political use…
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