You will have to read the file that I uploaded carefully then write a 300-500 word essay in response to the discussion questions that correspond to that reading.
Does the meditation in chapters 14-21 represent primarily positive or negative theology? Why?
Explain God’s timeless eternity
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The two causes to this problem according to Anselm is limited understanding and doubt or denial of the existence of a greater being. The solution, he says, is that if a being that is greater than anything has already been proved to exist in the mind, it should also exist in reality; otherwise, it would not be greater than anything.
The meditation in Chapters 14 – 21 represents primarily positive theology because it dwells on the simplicity of the Lord who is before and beyond all external things, but who permeates and embraces all. It says that the Lord is unity itself and cannot be divided. All the positive attributes are wholly what He is.