Antitrust Barriers


Write at least 3-4 pages about Antitrust barriers, list a specific industry and what happened in the past. Must have at least 4-5 citation.

Requirements: 3-4 pages


I just need the answer to Antitrust barriers maybe definition, explanation about it then list a specific industry and what happened in the past


Answer preview

Antitrust refers to the mechanisms and practices adopted by regulatory bodies to govern the market and promote competition. Borrowing from this definition, antitrust barriers to entry are the factors that create the opposite effect by lowering the competitiveness in a particular industry (Armentano, 2017). Competition is a key concern underlying both concepts. Therefore, moving forward, it is important to address how markets operate. The ideal situation is to have a market economy governed solely by market forces of demand and supply, with people at liberty to trade freely. However, such an outcome is not guaranteed as each industry has unique attributes that may skew the power balance in favor of a few stakeholders, resulting in monopolies. The net effect is that new entrants find it difficult to operate within a specified

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