Argument essay about homeless people in San Diego

Argument essay about homeless people in San Diego

6 pages essay. I have 2 articles and you need to find the 3rd article because we are required to have 3 articles total. And make sure the essay meet all the following requirements

  1. Does the writer begin his essay in a catchy and interesting manner? Is it an anecdote? Could he or she do something to grab your attention more effectively?
  2. Does the write provide clear background into the issue? If you had not seen the videos or read the articles, would you understand what is happening
  3. Does the writer have a clear thesis that names the issue and at least 3 main points (causes, effects, or both)?
  4. Does the writer have a clear topic sentence for each body paragraph? Is each body paragraph focused EITHER on ONE specific cause or ONE specific effect?
  5. Does the writer provide a minimum of 2 examples (quotes or paraphrases) for each body paragraph? Are they specific?
  6. Is each example cited properly in MLA style parenthetical citation? (author’s or presenter’s last name and a page number)
  7. Is each example followed by a clear and sufficient explanation? Does the explanation connect to the topic? Explain the topic? Answer, “So What?”
  8. Does the author restate his or her thesis in the conclusion? Is there a final thought?
  9. Are there any major grammatical errors? Run-ons? Fragments? Capitalization?
  10. Is the page formatted in MLA style as discussed in class? Is there a Works Cited page in the end that lists the two sources used?……

Jeanette Steele. “City Allows Sleeping in Public; Homeless People Won’t Be Ticketed.” San Diego Union-Tribune, The (CA), 22 Feb. 2007.

Answer preview

Argument Essay About Homeless People in San Diego

According to Welsh Megan et al., homelessness is a big issue that is facing Americans today (8). The case of homelessness in the region of San Diego continues to remain a huge issue for the area. The region’s government continues to show that mitigating the problem remains a huge problem for the state and federal level — most homeless individuals residing in San Diego. Only 15% of the homeless population lives in the town areas of the region while the other percentage live in other areas. Homelessness, especially in San Diego, arises from the ever-increasing rent rates in the region (Galvin 2). San Diego currently experiences one of the highest rent rates due to areas like Silicon Valley…

(1800 words)
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