Article Critique – Nonexperimental Designs

Article Critique – Nonexperimental Designs: For this assignment, again, is beneficial that you keep the topic you would like to research for the capstone proposal in mind. The capstone will require a literature review for your proposal, of which you may use articles obtained during this course. (MY TOPIC IS The psychological cause of mothers killing their children).

Select a peer-reviewed, nonexperimental research study that exemplifies a correlational and quasi-experimental design (use keywords method, results, and discussion in your Boolean search). These studies can be found using tools such as the GCU Library and Google Scholar.

Write a 500-750-word paper that addresses the following:

  1. Compare the research design of the two studies chosen.
  2. Were the research designs appropriate to their hypothesis (the goal of the research or research question)? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss the limitations of drawing conclusions from a nonexperimental study.
  4. Did the study have a random sample? Were there other problems that were noticed?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Answer preview
A correlative design is whereby the study determines the correlation that exists between two traits, behavior or event events. On the other hand, a quasi-experiment is like a real experiment, but they lack a crucial element. The study looked at both maternal filicide and neonaticide and tried to find out how the two come to happen and why. The study found that there is very little that is known about maternal filicide and there is need to come up with protective measures. The methods are essential since they help in gathering necessary information…
(600 words)
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