Asian Authors

Asian Authors

Do Li-Young Lee and Cathy Song share a similar style or do they differ, and what do we learn about cultural from the Turn of the Century writers? Explain.

Discussion expectations defined: You will be asked to select a quote from the reading to incorporate in your first discussion post. This means that you will also include an in-text citation and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X). Your post should be a substantial response to this week’s question in order to receive full credit.

Li-Young Lee’s Poem’s

Secret Life

Become Becoming

Cathy Song’s Poem’s

A Prayer for my Mother

The Man Moves Earth

Answer Preview

When one reads about Li- young lee and Cathy Song history before reading their poems, there will be a better understanding of their writings. Although both of them are descendants of Asia, the way the view themselves as Asian Americans and their life and history are entirely…

(443 Words)

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