B84 Protocol and Pseudorandom Functions

B84 Protocol and Pseudorandom Functions

Research paper on BB84 Protocol ( Pseudorandom functions)

research paper of 25 pages.

  • each page 300 word, single space with Arial font and size of 10
  • Titles and subtitles are in Arial font and size of 12 (bolds)
  • APA Format
  • References Must be books, papers and research report
No Extra details given . Subject is Cryptography. Topic of research paper is BB84 Protocol (Pseudorandom functions) . With above mentioned reuirements

cover both BB84 Protocol and Pseudorandom Functions topics in paper..almost equally. Thats importnat.

Paper should address both topics. Theory, examples and any figures etc. And proper references. Dont worry about exact..page count, just try to give around 25 pages..including references and title page, abstract and conclusion in apa format.

Answer preview

Bb84 Protocol and Pseudorandom Functions

Topic: BB84 Protocol and Pseudorandom Functions

Thesis statement: In the 21st century, ciphers are being used to protect digital data and information as it zips through the internet. More research is being done by cryptographers who are relying on the power of physics to come up with the most secure ciphers to data and information. To clearly understand Pseudorandom Functions and BB84 Protocol, it is important to get a clear understanding of cryptography and its origin and use


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  • The very first cryptanalysts…

(160 words)

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