Behavior and Socioeconomic Standing

Behavior and Socioeconomic Standing

Respond to the following in a minimum of 150-200words:

Are there everyday behaviors that might be useful or functional in lower classes, but would not serve the same purpose for those of higher socioeconomic standing? What about interactions with peers, teachers, or other authorities?

Include: proper grammar,in text citations,references,no plagiarism


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Socio-economic status forms a huge part of the behavior and functional aspect of both the loser and higher classes. In the lower class group, there are constant behaviors of cheating but with different purposes, such as to benefit another person. This is unlike in the higher classes where people are likely to cheat when it’s useful for them. Also, individuals from the lower class face behavioral and emotional difficulties due to social problems such as increased rates of depression, drug use, and attempted suicide (Fiske and Markus, 2013). However, the higher socioeconomic standing would only engage in such behaviors of drug abuse not mainly due to their social problems but peer pressure or influence.

On the other hand, the interactions that the lower class children or individuals have with peers, teachers, and other authorities is highly…


(250 words)

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