Execute the following question in at most fifteen sentences and provide quotations. Please only use the reading provided by me to answer this question.
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Locke believes that the relationship between an idea and physical object is one of cause and the effect. Locke acknowledges that there are primary qualities and secondary qualities of physical substance. But the bigger concern of Berkeley is the location of these kinds of qualities. Berkeley, unlike Locke, Acknowledges all the qualities and identifies them with ideas where he locates them in the mind. Berkeley holds the belief that there is nothing that is physical and everything that we experience is mental. According to Berkeley there is no such a thing like an idea or quality that exists independently of the mind, he says that “objects really existing without the mind……..” Berkeley also believes that even an imagination of existence of an object unperceived involves a contradiction, “ As I was thinking of a tree in a solitary place, where no one was present to see it, me thought that was to conceive a tree as existing unperceived…..”