BOOK REVIEW-The Fate of their History

BOOK REVIEW-The Fate of their History

Submit a 750-1000 word book review based on the book The Fate of Their Country. Make sure the book review essay covers the following elements:

  1. A clear identification of the author’s main point, or THESIS
  2. The DEVELOPMENT, or the manner in which the author proves the thesis
  3. Your CRITIQUE of the work


ttached is a zip file of the Book….the book is in a .acsm file, it can be open through the adobe Digital Edition tool

Attached is a link on how to open a .acsm file with adobe Digital Edition.


Answer preview

The history of the US political maneuvers and power is a complex one but has been underestimated by citizens and researchers. However, in this book, ‘The Fate of Their Country’ Holt F. Michael, has shared a series of rare but factual ideas about the political system history of the US and the cause of civil war. This book’s development is based on the above elements, which helped the author prove the main thesis. A critique…


(800 words)

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