Brenda Beyal

Brenda Beyal

Historical or Philosophical Figure in Education Paper – 4 pages (10 points) \     Choose one of the people discussed in chapter 8 of the textbook.

In a four (4) page paper, summarize your figure:

1.Who was he or she?

2.What was his/her significant accomplishment in the education field?

3.How did this person affect education at that time?

4.Why did this person make these changes and what may have been some of the obstacles faced? What would you have done differently?What, if any, is this person’s impact on education today?

5. How would education be different today without this person’s accomplishments?

6. Is this person memorialized in any way?

7.In what ways can education be further reformed to enhance this person’s contributions?

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Brenda Beyal is a women who passionate herself with teaching then continuing her career as engineer. With 20 years of teaching Brenda spend most of her career teaching in Rees Elementary school, south of Salt Lake City, Utah, where she would teach students from different multiage. Her inspiration bought a good relationship with students and interaction with…
(509 Words)
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