Apply the six common types of electronic commerce to an organization.
Discuss the four business decisions that companies must make when they acquire new applications.
-Essay format (APA)
-6-7 pages, double spacing
-Font: Times New Roman
-At least 6 peer reviewed sources (include DOI in reference page)
-In text citations for each peer-reviewed source
-No plagiarism
Everything is on the instructions. Thanks!
Answer preview
TCP/IP does this by the provision of end-to-end communication. TCP identifies how data should get broken down into smaller packets and then reassembled in the correct format when they arrive at the intended destination (Mundra & El Taeib, 2015). On the other hand, the IP determines the addresses of the computers the data is getting transmitted and routed to. Such a function is very important, considering it helps prevent sending information to the wrong computer. The original TCP/IP model has four layers; the application, transport, network access, and the internet layers. The network access layer determines the transmission of data, precisely how information should move between two devices within a network (Mundra & El Taeib, 2015).