What is your definition of Integrity?How can we develop greater integrity?Use specific details and examples from your readings, what you’ve heard in discussions and experienced.Use examples and evidence to support your ideas and communicates your message.(Min. 350 words).
Explain Kohlberg’s Ethical and Moral development theory and how it is to be used.For each stage, give a brief example of how it may be used in a business setting. (Min. 250 words)
Why was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created and how has it changed the legal aspects of business ethics?What was the role of the Enron case in its creation? Indicate some of the most important protections it has created.(Min. 250 words)
Research and Answer–What is corporate culture and what role does business ethics play an important part in it?Give an example of company which has a strong corporate culture, and after researching the culture, explain how business ethics plays an important part in that culture.Reference at least three resources you used in your resource. (Min. 350 words)
For your own company, design a 5-7 point code of ethics indicating the important aspects of serving your customer.
Describe how you would perform an ethics audit and social audit for your company.(Min. 250 Words)
Which would you focus on more in your company, a compliance orientation or a value orientation?Why and how would you implement it? (Min. 250 words)
Should social responsibility be a requirement of companies?Explain how it is a benefit when money is used from company profits to fund those projects.Why should companies focus on social responsibility in their practices? (Min. 250 words).
Answer preview
Business ethics denotes the acceptable standards for gets perceived as morally right and wrong conduct within the business environment (Sroka & Lorinczy, 2015). A lot of people have trouble separating between law and morality with respect to business ethics. Even though these two concepts are linked, they are quite different. The link between the two emanates from the fact that business ethics enhance compliance with the law by denoting acceptable modes of conduct that are beyond governmental control. Law partially defines conduct, and such an aspect means there are certain areas beyond the control of the law (Sroka & Lorinczy, 2015). For instance, an action that might be perceived as unethical might not be illegal.