Business Sustaining Competitive Advantage

Business Sustaining Competitive Advantage


Business Sustaining Competitive Advantage – Research paper, 3 pages/800 words

Background Question: As noted by Pearlson (2016), it might seem obvious that a firm would try to sustain its competitive advantage. After all, the firm might have worked very hard to create advantages, such as those already discussed in your textbook. However, there is some controversy about trying to sustain a competitive advantage

Reference: Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA. Wiley, 2016

ISBN: 978-1-119-24807-1 (EVALC

Assignment: Carry out research on how a firm would try to sustain its competitive advantage looking at it from the angle of resources to sustain competitive advantage.

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

Strictly follow APA style.

Please see attached PDF book which is recommended. Use few other referances as well.

Answer preview

Sustaining competitive advantage is more difficult than creating it because once created, other competing firms tend to imitate, and thus, the edge gets lost. Thus, a firm must develop a way of sustaining that advantage to enjoy long-term benefits. The resource-based view of sustaining competitive advantage include aggressive and innovative company culture, complex business operations, and acquiring startups. By employing the three strategies, an organization will be able to sustain its competitive advantage.

Company Culture

Aggressive company culture can create a sustainable…

(900 words)

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