Candidate Analysis

 Candidate Analysis

You have two employment candidates for a marketing position. Both have similar educational backgrounds and certifications. However, the first candidate has 20 years of related experience while the second candidate has 6 years of similar experience. This is for a Market Analyst Position for any company of your choosing.

The first candidate is asking for a competitive base salary plus one week extra vacation as part of the benefits package. The second candidate is asking for a competitive base salary plus a company smart phone (upgraded each year), and paid Internet service at home. The first candidate is willing to work a flexible schedule (nights, weekends, etc.), while the second candidate prefers to work remotely from home. Both are requesting to be included in the company’s annual bonus plan.

Write a 700 word paper that includes the following:

  • Compare the direct and indirect compensation requests for each candidate.
  • As an HR professional, what do you think is the best hiring decision for the company and why?

Candidate 1: Flexibility, experience, Networking (has more contacts and more experience)

Candidate 2: Tech Savvy, New fresh Ideas, May be able to start at a lower wage. Able to meet deadlines ffrom home.

I choose Candidate 1, because he has more experience and can bring more projects and more revenues to the chosen company. if we choose candidate 1 we wont have to worry about paying monthly internet services or on paying for a new phone every year and save more money.

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Compensation can be done directly or indirectly in that, direct compensation involves compensation from a worker’s salary and wages it can be in form of commissions, bonuses etc. On the other hand, indirect compensation is reimbursements that are not included in the direct compensation such as retirement plans, temporary leaves, benefits etc. (Rothwell, W. J., and Kazanas, H. C. 2012). In our case, candidate one has twenty…

(735 Words)

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