Case Study: GoPro

Case Study: GoPro

Case Study – 4 Pages

GoPro Case

The analysis write-up is not to exceed 5 pages (double spaced, 12pt. font, one inch margins). It should answer the assigned questions related to the case.

No late cases will be accepted.

For the GoPro case analysis, please note the following:

  • How was GoPro different from other players in the industry? Discuss Nicholas Woodman’s role in making GoPro a market leader.
  • What type of innovation was the GoPro action camera? What made this camera successful when video cameras (camcorders) and smartphones already existed?
  • How did GoPro market itself? Can part of GoPro’s success be attributed to its marketing strategy? How did GoPro benefit from its marketing?
  • To what do you attribute GoPro’s revenue, profitability, and stock price trends? What led to GoPro’s eventual decline?
  • Can GoPro make a comeback? Suggest ways the company can strike back at the market

Answer preview

GoPro is a company that specializes in the production and distribution of action cameras. The company was founded as Woodman labs in 2002, but the name changed to GoPro in 2014. The idea to create an action camera was birthed when the founder, Nicholas Woodman, was surfing in Indonesia and wanted a way to create a way of capturing surfing (Foster, 2018). For a decade, GoPro was successful in its business, but from…

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