Cases Study  Analysis of Ethical Theories

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Case:  Nestle and Advertising; an Ethical Analysis

 Utilitarianism theory can analyze the case.  The overall consideration is that a moral action is one that will result in the most good. The umbrella for this theory is consequentialism in which right actions are best understood regarding the consequences. What differentiates utilitarianism from other forms of consequentialism is that it considers the interests of beings equally. This means finding the good of others as well as your own is to be considered moral. Categorically Jeremy Bentham the founder of this ethical theory defines one to consider the sum of all the pleasures less the suffering that any of the members would suffer in the process (Driver, 2009). The focus of utilitarianism is a focus to bring the best good for the greatest majority, and the happiness need to count the same and with a similar reason as oneself as it is for the others.  More specifically earlier development of the theory focuses not in avoidance of behaviors that will harm others instead happiness or utility is increased…

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