Cultural and political systems
The Thesis Paper needs to be 1-2 pages long (3 at the most), in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1” margins on all sides. The Thesis Paper must have at least two Secondary sources (one of which must be Scholarly sources) and one Primary source (check the source guide for help on what these different types of sources are). Check the template at the bottom for a Thesis Paper to view the requirements of the assignment.
Presocratic philosophers.
In 200-300 words discuss the differences between the ontological views of Heraclitus and Parmenides. State what the strengths and weaknesses of each view are.
The Norton Anthology .
Pick your favorite primary text we’ve read so far. If you’re still unclear about what a primary text is, Google it!
Esophageal cancer
1.1 Barrett’s esophagus and GERD are factors that are associated with the development of what histologic type of esophageal cancer? What is the difference in the location for squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the esophagus
Case Study 1 and Discussion Case Study 1 instructions
In this assessment I’ll be asking you to apply what you’ve learned to several brief case studies. I’d like you to identify the most likely diagnosis for each case, along with a rationale to support your position.