Environmental Studies

Climate Change:


burning of fossil fuels, human beings also contribute to the increased greenhouse gas presence in numerous other ways (You Matter, 2020). Trees are very important regulators of the earth’s climate.

Children’s environments.


Identify an environmental or occupational exposure to a chemical or group of chemicals in which you are interested—the topic for your final project. For ideas about topics, you can consult the following sources:

National environmental policy act.


Compare (1 page)-Maybe talk about how resilience climate change design can help? These designs can be flood control, green building. Different state has different actions.

Physical Environment.


When submitting your original contribution, you should also include a summary of the project. Describe the logistics of the plan (when, where, how, for whom it was designed, etc.) Also describe why you chose this particular project and how it is connected to your ACE coursework.

Environmental issues.


This week’s assignment contains an imaginary scenario in which you will demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts presented in this course.

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