Cigarettes and smoking a key
Watch Out of the Past (1947) and 200 Cigarettes (1999)
Comparison Reviews should focus on the use of cigarettes and cigarette smoke throughout the movies.
To what extent are cigarettes and smoking a key “actor” in each film?
Compare the “star power” of each movie. Which movie had a greater influence on society at its time? Why?
Was smoking glamorized in both films? How or why not?
Is smoking still prevalent in popular films or other current media?
Australopithecus Sediba and Homo Naledi
What are the primary differences between Australopithecus Sediba and Homo Naledi?
What made Raymond Dart and his followers believe that early hominins were violent and aggressive (killer apes)?
What evidence eventually disproved his hypothesis?
Why were ‘small scientists’ needed in the excavation stage for the Naledi cave?
Why were Homo Naledi classified in the genus Homo rather than Australopithecus? Be sure to discuss both skeleton and cranium.
How many bones and fragments were eventually pulled out of the Homo Naledi cave?
The educational achievement .
Each year, public schools are rewarded with bigger budgets for achieving a rating of “excellent” or “recommended” and are punished for rating ” needs improvement”.These ratings are based on meeting thresholds on a broad set of measures such as attendance rates, graduation rates, standardized test
Popular culture artifacts.
Last week you researched the history of your popular culture artifacts. You also examined the audience for your popular culture artifacts and how each affected the other. This week you look at how access to popular culture affects society.
Scholars of Change videos.
Review the chapters in the Saldaña text found in this week’s Learning Resources.
Review the Introduction to Coding and From Content to Coding media programs in the Learning Resources.