Food Nutrition

Cooking Methods


Assignment #5 Cooking Methods This assignment is to have students research current industry trends related to cooking methods. Instructions: You are to identify an industry article that focuses on cooking. Read the article and offer a review on the cooking principles. (discussed in the textbook, On Cooking) shared that make the recipe great. You will be graded based on your ability to 1. Write a 150 to 200-word summary analyzing the cooking method discussed in the article. Share your understanding of key terms, techniques, methods, and equipment used. 2. Reference to periodicals/magazines: Cook’s Illustrated, Cooking Light, Food and Wine, and others focused on cooking techniques. 3. Be prepared to present orally in class. 4. Accurate use of citing your resources. Please reference the article, see below of APA style format for citing resources. Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages. Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical/Magazine, volume number (issue

Nutritional goal


Stage 1 – At the start of this semester, you completed the Health Risk Assessment and the Goal Assignment sheet. At that time you wrote a goal for a health related behavior you wanted to improve over the course of the semester. You were to have tracked your progress in reaching this goal, writing out the goal and the action steps you were taking, and using a notebook or log to record changes and progress, or lack thereof.

Stage 2 – Now, at the end of the semester, you will write a 3-4 page paper that outlines your efforts at making this behavior change. Normal MLA style formatting, including in text citations. Discussion points for your writing include:

Reason for selecting the goal you chose.
Write out the actual goal as you first set it out.
How often did you assess your progress?

Nutrition Counseling for Health Promotion


Topic 1: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation.

Read the required reading. You have a client from a vulnerable population, such as an economically disadvantaged and older adult, who needs to begin lifestyle changes with nutrition, exercise and stress management modifications. Discuss how you would approach nutrition, exercise and/or stress management counseling. Address food aid programs that would be appropriate for referral. What exercise recommendations would be appropriate for your client/s. Comment on stress management factors that may need addressed with your choice of the vulnerable population.


Child nutrition and maternal health


Health of women and children is influenced by many factors but a primary driver is economic and social equality. In this assignment, we ask you to examine rates of malnutrition, maternal health and the social progress index. Here we are going to look at child nutrition and maternal health as markers of overall public health.

Family’s medical history


Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA format.

CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky

Ricky, age 4 years, arrives in the clinic with his mother. Ricky lives with his mother and father, who both work full-time, and his infant sister. Their extended family lives in a different state more than 100 miles away. Both parents are of average height and in good health. Ricky’s mother mentions that Ricky often expresses frustration, particularly in regard to food. Conflict over food occurs every day. Mealtime is a battle to get him to eat, unless his mother feeds him. Ricky’s baby sister seems to tolerate all baby foods but requires her mother to spoon-feed. Ricky’s mother is quite frustrated and concerned that he will become malnourished.

Reflective Questions

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