Marketing perspective
Your choice – Select one of the topics below and write 1 to 2 well-written and researched paper:
Review the history of Disneyland Paris. Why was it initially such a failure? How did Disney turn it around (or have they really)? What lessons can we take away from their experiences in France?
Select a country you would like to visit and write on information you find about the country from a marketing perspective.
Research the history of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Write a position paper stating your beliefs regarding its overall effectiveness or
American Army in World War II
In a 6-8 page paper with a powerpoint breakdown 4 of the 7 principles the commander of the battle had.
Requirements: original with at least 5 sources
Battle of Bulge – Commander GEN Patton (USA)
In a 6-8 page paper, analyze a General Patton’s performance in the Battle of the Bulge. This analysis should evaluate how effectively or ineffectively the commander executed 4 of the 7 mission command principles: competence, mutual trust, shared understanding, commander’s intent, mission orders, discipline initiative, and risk acceptance. Discuss how the command’s use those principles affected the battle’s outcome.
Summary of the battle should be very brief. Aside from the introduction paragraph, limited to one paragraph total for background information of the commander.
Reformation era
Hello Again, so, this is the exact same assignment you just completed for me, but my Professor said that he couldn’t accept the paper you wrote because it did NOT utilize the source material from our class that I sent you. I will attach the paper you wrote, can I please get a re-write. This time please use the source material I am attaching only.
To distinguish the 1700s from the Reformation Era before it, which was still an “age of faith” like the medieval era, scholars have variously named the 1700s. The most famous label –the “Enlightenment Era”– wisely sidesteps an issue raised by the other names, which is this essay’s focus: Was the Enlightment primarily an “age of reason” or was it instead or also an “age of sentiment,” or feeling? Do our readings and sources recommend one of these labels more than the other, or can they be harmonized instead of opposed?
Documentary film
Please watch the movie “The River and The Wall” directed by Ben Masters and answer both prompts below. Each in one page.Please do not plagiarize.
What did you learn from watching The River and The Wall? Cite examples from the film to explain your answer.
Considering all the issued presented in The River and The Wall, and thinking about what you know about US/ Latin American relations, should the U.S. have a border wall? How do you think the immigration issue should be handled?