
Republic and Imperial Form of Leadership in Rome


Coming from the US 21st century point of view, we often have very fixed ideas about the words “republic” and “imperial”. We tend to focus on the ideological differences and conclude that a Republic is fair, just and upheld by a social contract, while an imperial system by nature is harsh, brutal and, ultimately, a tyranny, but do you feel this was the case in Ancient Rome?

Based on your readings on both the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, which do you feel was the superior form of government in regard to its efficiency and functionality, leadership, treatment of citizens, economics, creativity and progress, etc., and why?

The advancement of technology


position essay.

(1000 – 1250 words): Students compose an essay outlining their position, attitude or intention towards the specified topic. The student’s position must be clearly identified, discussed and supported with evidence from reliable sources. The student must take a position that applies belief and reasoning systems to concepts of ethics and/or knowledge (DBR 200.1) and applies said systems of knowledge and/or ethics to issues in society, history, faith, spirituality, and/or one’s own life from a global perspective (DBR 200.2).

So-for this specific assignment-students will use one of the first three discussion topics as described generally below: (Discussion Four to make an argument about the ethics of using AI’s to supplement/replace human friendships!)

Disc 4-Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethic (the ethical limits of friendship and technology)-argue whether technology undermines human relations-especially friendships-or can augment or improve them using Aristotelian ethics as the measure of good or useful or perfect friendships

The creation of Adam


Choose one of the images in the “Stylistic Analysis” image. Write an essay discussing its STYLISTIC significance. Be sure to cover the following points in your analysis:

Identify the artist, title, period style and medium.

Analyze the stylistic characteristics (light, line, color, scale, medium & subject matter)
Why is the artwork stylistically significant? How does it represent its regional, religious or cultural style?
What stylistic influences can you identify?
Be sure to apply specific art historical terms (vocabulary) in your answer.
Use complete sentences and paragraphs including an introduction and conclusion.

PART II: Analysis of CULTURAL CONTEXT (50 points)

Choose one of the images in the “Cultural Analysis” image. Write an essay discussing its CULTURAL significance. Be sure to cover the following points in your analysis:

Identify the artist, title, period style and medium.

Discuss the subject matter of the artwork. Does it contain any iconography, symbolism, narrative story or message?
Discuss the cultural (religious, historical, political) context of the artwork.
Why is this artwork culturally significant? What does it tell us about the culture/religion/region that produced it?

Black male development in the U.S.


In “On Becoming”, Cleaver describes some features of social trauma that impact black male development in the U.S.

In your response, outline a few of the things Cleaver mentions,

The risk-taking nature of Americans.


disgrace at work for no reason. When she quit, she got evicted without notice. Despite passing through ups and downs, Christina managed to present all other individuals suffering in the same manner in front of the local government. The administration, due to Christina’s efforts, then made it law to provide tenants with a 30-day notice before eviction: confidence and determination (Clancy, 2018). Despite people around her telling her otherwise regarding her ethnicity and the local government, she portrayed toughness. Christina presented the case despite numerous claims regarding the lack of cooperation from the administration: freedom.

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