
Think of this essay as a formal history essay,


1. Think of this essay as a formal history essay, with one centerpiece (the artifact) around which you build your argument. Do not use the first person: Do not start a sentence with “I” or “we”. Use a formal style like what you would find in a textbook or encyclopedia.

NewYork and the early 20th century


New York City has played an oversized role in Puerto Rican affairs. As the major U.S. port on the East Coast for the Caribbean, the City and the Island were intimately linked since the early part of the 19th Century. Since the latter part of the 19th Century New York became home for a large Puerto Rican population who migrated here looking for better opportunities, political freedom and cultural diversity. In 800-words answer the following question: What has been the impact of New York in the development of early twentieth century Puerto Rican music?



Prompt (READ CAREFULLY): “SukarnoandHoChiMinhcontinuedage-oldtraditionsofresistancetoforeignruleintheirrespectivecountriesbutwereatthesametimetheproductsofWesterncolonialism.” Do you agree? Critically discuss by comparing the ideas and aims ofthetwo menand locating them within the larger history oftheir country’s experience under colonial rule after c.1800. At a minimum, your essay should consider the following questions

Museum Visit


A museum “selfie” or photo on-site if you were able to visit in person. Scanned reproduction of your ticket stub or receipt OR PROOF OF VIRTUAL VISIT (Screenshot)

We’veallgotten a taste of isolationover the pastyear.


We’ve all gotten a taste of isolation over the past year. Despite the wealth of media the internet provides us, the experience nonetheless drives home the idea of the “desert island album,” that old game in which you name a single album you would like to have if stranded on a desert island, and argue the reasons why.

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