Old pharmacy in America
Reflect on the content assigned for Week #2 using the below questions as a guide, at a minimum:
What do you think are the most important impact points of this time period on today’s practice?
How do think things would be different if Pharmacy during the Colonial Time was modeled more on the continental European practice vs. English practice? (Hint: look at chapters on Germany, France, Italy, Spain)
Locate additional resources for the content of Week #2. Describe what you found.
How effective was the PowerPoint material in presenting this information?
What other relevant questions would you ask about this content?
History of pharmacy
Reflecting on Great Moments in Pharmacy
These artifacts are a collection of 40 paintings depicting a comprehensive history of pharmacy by artist Robert Thom (1915-1979).
Access the paintings through this URL: https://pharmacistsprovidecare.com/great-moments-pharmacy-painting-series
Select one of the paints you particularly like
Retrieve and analyze information about the subject you have selected.
Write a reflection on both the painting and the information you have retrieved.
What are the formative influences for this artist/band? How did they learn their trade and in which kinds of music? If there was a breakthrough moment in their career, when did it occur? Describe this moment. What were the factors in play? Was this artist involved in any major recordings? i.e. songs that are considered “classic” or notable contributions in the history of popular music. Did this artist/band influence future musicians in the field? If so, who, and briefly describe.
Your assignment should be roughly 1000 words [2 pages singles spaced].
You must provide three online sources for this assignment. Wikipedia is an acceptable place to begin given current conditions, but there are numerous sources of information. I’ve provided some tips for online research on Brightspace. You cannot use quotes of any kind in this assignment. It is to be written in your own words. However, avoid writing in first person unless you wish to express personal opinion at the end of the report. This is acceptable once you have completed the criteria for the assignment. You cannot submit this assignment in point form. One strategy is to create a point form draft in which you answer all of the pertinent
Letter from Birmingham Jail
4. Response Paper #3:Finding Common Ground in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
DUE DATE: Tuesday, June 02, 2020
Write a response paper based on an assigned reading and writing prompt. Your response paper must be 500 words and in MLA format (see attached link MLA formatting and documentation guidelines: https://daytonastate.edu/cwc/files/Codex-MLA8.pdf). The introduction of your response should contain the name of the work being summarized, the author, and the general situation surrounding the text to help contextualize what will follow. The body of your response should make a claim about an aspect of the text that you find interesting and worthy of discussion. Additionally, the body of your response must include support for your claims in the form quotations. Follow closely the work you are responding to and cite an occasional word, phrase, or passage from the original to give your reader a taste of the original. Your response should begin to draw conclusions, possibly explaining how your understanding of the original
Destroying and Renewing the World
Please Please Please follow everything below word for word:
How do the chapters of Genesis, (source 2.1) “Creating, Destroying, and Renewing the World”, portray the relationship that the Hebrews had with their God? What elements of the stories define this relationship?
The most important thing to do for your paper is to present an argument as a specific answer to the question given above. Your paper must also focus on the primary source texts. This means that you should read your document carefully, think about it, and form your own point of view about the topic. Once you have your argument, you will want to organize your essay as follows: an introduction, supporting or body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction be sure to clearly state your thesis statement. The thesis statement clearly states your argument and is the central idea that organizes the rest of your essay. In the supporting or body paragraphs you will prove your thesis statement and support your argument with