


Please find below the prompt for my essay. After reviewing the prompt, please let me know if you will have any concerns or questions about it. Thank you.

World History: Jews and Power: Tangled Relationship


This paper should include the following elements: a) a description of the author and the context in which s/he wrote; b) a concise summary of the argument of the reading(s); c) an articulation of the key questions that arise from the reading, either those raised by the author or those that come to your mind.

World History: Jews and Power: Tangled Relationship


This paper should include the following elements: a) a description of the author and the context in which s/he wrote; b) a concise summary of the argument of the reading(s); c) an articulation of the key questions that arise from the reading, either those raised by the author or those that come to your mind.

How does Dracula’s portrayal of vampirism as a disease reflect humanity’s fear of contagion and our current pandemic? Inbox


This essay will require substantial research, which may include scholarly sources that specifically address themes in Dracula, historical research that puts the book in context, and research on contemporary issues. You must include cited information (quotation and paraphrase) from at least 2 sources + Dracula. Your research will involve both primary and secondary sources.

Based on the book, write a formal write up paper


This seminar considers race from a transnational perspective, with a focus on the Americas. We examine broader historical developments, including the emergence of global empire and colonialism, that gave rise both to concepts of race, racial difference, and hierarchy and to concepts of nation and nationality. As slavery, labor migrations, and the establishment of settler colonies brought peoples from different regions of the world together, racial difference justified unequal exceptions to otherwise equal rights of national citizens. This semester we will explore, in particular, how disease – both its medical and social understanding – shaped racial ideas and affected racialized groups.

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