
Civil rights in the United States


For this assignment, you will analyze a historical issue from the second half of American history (1877 – present). You will need to compare at least two opposing perspectives on the issue of civil rights for Black Americans during the American Progressive Era.

Cybercriminals, organizations


For your final research paper in this course, you will write an analytical research paper addressing a major issue of your choosing from among the topics covered in this course. As a research paper, your paper will have to



In this assessment I’ll be asking you to apply what you’ve learned to several brief case studies. I’d like you to identify the most likely diagnosis for each case, along with a rationale to support your position.

Court of Minneapolis


I am giving Six cases that need to be put in brief form I have an example how the cases need to be (1st Case.…) (2nd Case )(3rd case…) (4th Case…) (5th Case…) (6th case…) I am including an example thats how the briefs need to be done 10.5 font Arial and 1.15 line spacing in microsoft word

Cultural facet


Discuss one aspect of your client’s culture that you think has had an impact on your case. What made you select this particular aspect? How is this a strength for the client?

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